13th February                            Will you serve the Lord?                           Joshua 23 & 24    Matthew Swires-Hennesssy  

6th February                      Will you forget to seek God’s wisdom?                       Joshua 9            David Capener

30th January                               Will you treat sin seriously?                               Joshua 7     Matthew Swires-Hennessy

23rd January               Will you try and exclude people from God’s grace?              Joshua 2                   Jo Rodman

16th January                      Will you trust God’s guidance?                                    Joshua 1      Matthew Swires-Hennessy

9th January                        Will you receive the Lord’s call?                           Deuteronomy 31:1-29     Christine Buckley

2nd January     Decisions, Decisions-Joshua, will you stand up and be counted?       Numbers 13:1-33       David Coleman