12th December            All Things are Possible      Matthew 19:16-30         Les Hutchinson

5th December    The Heart of Perfect Forgiveness   Matthew 18:21-35        David Capener

28th November                 Transfiguration          Matthew 17:1-13            Matthew Swires-Hennessy

21st November                  Kingdom Faith          Matthew 14:22-33           Christine Buckley

14th November  (Remembrance Sunday)  Treasure - What is worth fighting for?

                                                        Matthew 13:44-52, Psalm 96        Matthew Swires-Hennessy

7th November     I will open my mouth in parables   Matthew 13:31-35       Matthew Swires-Hennessy

31st October                      Kingdom Rest         Matthew 11:25-12:14        David Coleman    

24th October                    Kingdom Workers      Matthew 9:35-10:20          Matthew Swires-Hennessy      

17th October                        Authority              Matthew 8:23 - 9:8           Les Hutchinson

10th October                   Pictures of Power       Matthew 8:1-17                Christine Buckley

3rd October                  Astonishing Teaching    Matthew 7:13-29               Matthew Swires-Hennessy     

26th September             Treasure and Trust   Matthew 6:1-4 and 25-34         David Capener

19th September  “I say to you.” (Kingdom and law/ethics)   Matthew 5:17-48  Jo Rodman

12th September  A broken blessedness and kingdom witness  Matthew 5:3-16  Christine Buckley

5th September  The Kingdom of Heaven has come near    Matthew 4:12-25     Matthew Swires-Hennessy