Poynton Parish Church
Parish Officers
For further information, please contact the Church Office
(Mon - Fri 9:30 am - 12:30 pm):
St George’s Church, Chester Road, Poynton, SK12 1NH
01625 879277 (phone)
01625 856877 (fax)
Church Wardens
Dave McClelland, Helen Bradley
David Capener, David Coleman, Les Hutchinson,
Jo Rodman
Mike Bradley, Liam Gray
Gift Aid Secretary
Ruth Arthur
Pastoral Worker
Stephanie Rookwood
Brian Clarke
PCC Secretary
Susan Dodd
Electoral Roll Officer
David Myers
Baptisms & Thanksgivings
Christine Buckley
Weddings & Funerals
Please contact the office (01625 879277)
Home Group Coordinator
Susan Coleman
Church Hall Cleaning Team
Joyce Corlett
Church Flowers Team
Jeannette Wood
Make & Take Team
Julie Briggs, Margaret Goode
Tea and Coffee Rotas
Thursday, Linda Stevenson; Sunday 9:30am, Kath McAllister,
Sunday 11:00am various
David Coleman
To book St George’s or St Martin’s Church Halls please ring the Church Office (01625 879277).