Advent 2018

The four candles of Advent Wreath can remind us of the Patriarchs, the Prophets, John the Baptist and Mary, and the way they pointed to Jesus.  Our teaching in Advent is from things Jesus said about Mary,  John and the Patriarchs.

2nd December - the Patriarchs (John 8 : 34 - 59)

Christine Buckley

9th December - John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-12; Matthew  11:7-19)

David Coleman (transcript - a technical problem prevented recording)                     Christine Buckley  

16th December, Christingle - Jesus, Light of the World (John 8:12-14)

Christine Buckley              Les Hutchinson

23rd December - Mary (Luke 1:39-45, Luke 11:27-32)

John Briggs                       David Capener

Other sermons for Advent and Christmas

2nd December - Toy Service (Matthew 1 : 18 - 25)      Joe Hadfield   clip shown in talk