We all have a life on the frontline in the world that’s significant to God. But can we see how God has been working in and through us? Can we imagine what work God might do in and through us on our daily frontlines?

This is the theme for our Autumn sermon and homegroup series.

4th September The Big Picture

Rob McLaren

18th September Modelling Godly Character

Christine Buckley           Andy Livingston

Video shown as part of these two sermons:

                                  ”Yes, I’m the mechanic”

2nd October Making Good Work

Andy Livingston

16th October Ministering Grace and Love

Christine Buckley          Andy Livingston

23rd October Moulding Culture

Christine Buckley           Andy Livingston

30th October

Mouthpiece for Truth and Justice

Val Hindmarsh              Christine Buckley   

6th November Messenger of the Gospel

Rob McLaren        Beth Whaites part 1  part 2