Lent, a season of the church's year, is a call to examine ourselves in preparation for the celebrations of Easter – remembering the good news of Jesus' cross and resurrection.

Ash Wednesday
Although we are not gathering in person, a short (20mins) service of readings, prayers and music for Ash Wednesday is available via YouTube

Prayer Focus
Each Wednesday during Lent there will be a short video (about 5mins) inviting you to explore a prayer from the Bible or church history, and to pray it.  We hope that these prayers, some familiar, some not, will encourage each of us in our prayer lives, and help us to learn and develop a sense of how God calls us to pray for the needs of our world as well as for ourselves.

24th March          Prayer focus 6      Ephesians 1:15-23 Pray for one another

17th March          Prayer focus 5      The Litany

10th March          Prayer focus 4     "Too often, O God, we pray, “Listen, Lord, for your children are speaking.”

3rd March            Prayer focus 3     Jonah’s Prayer

24th February     Prayer focus 2     Prayer of Humble Access

17th February     Prayer focus 1     Psalm 51