That you may be certain -
Luke writes his gospel as a letter to his friend Theopholis, that he may be certain of what he already believes.
2nd February Luke 3:1-
Homegroup Notes Jo Rodman Aled Seago (all age service)
9th February Luke 4:1-
Homegroup Notes Aled Seago Les Hutchinson
16th February Luke 4:14-
23rd February Luke 5:1-
Homegroup Notes Jo Rodman Christine Buckley
1st March Luke 5:17-
Homegroup Notes Christine Buckley David Capener (all age service)
8th March Luke 5:27-
Homegroup Notes Christine Buckley Aled Seago
15th March Luke 6:1-
Homegroup Notes Andy Livingston Aled Seago
22nd March Luke 6:17-
29th March Luke 6:27-
Homegroup Notes Andy Livingston