The Book of Ruth

For the New Year we started a teaching series from the Book of Ruth. The Book of Ruth is a lovely account of how a struggling family got on faithfully with their ordinary day-to-day lives in turbulent times. The upshot of all this was the growing realisation that the Lord God was working through these ordinary circumstances in order to provide all that was most important for their sustenance and faithful pathway forward. It is a powerful reminder of the doctrine of  the Providence of  God in the lives of his people.

Home groups start this week, discussing the issues arising from the Bible readings and the sermons. If you would like to consider joining a home group, please click here to find out more.

Illustrations of Book of Ruth © Sweet Publishing (

Sermons (Rob McLaren) - please left click on a picture to listen to the sermon  or right click and use the context menu to download*

Study notes - please left click on a picture for the study notes (pdf)

130106 9-30 Ruth 1.mp3

Ruth Chapter 1

Ruth Chapter 1

Ruth chapter 1.pdf

* Different browsers use different terminology in their menus.  Click here for browser specific instructions.


Ruth Chapter 2

Ruth chapter 2 edition 2.pdf Ruth 2 9-30am.mp3

Ruth Chapter 2

Ruth Chapter 3

Ruth chapter 3.pdf Ruth 3 9-30.mp3

Ruth Chapter 3

Ruth Chapter 4

Ruth chapter 4.pdf Ruth 4.mp3

Ruth Chapter 4